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Always stay close to your baby when taking her to the swimming pool and stick to the appropriate area so she can get acquainted to the fun of water at her own pace.




First don't forget, the name badge with a picture, that your little cutie pie can't get lost, if you however once should lose sight of her when she is on the run, and second, dress her appropriate for her first adventure in a swimming pool;-) But how cute your little girl now blushes, would I think, that you have dressed her right with her extra secured safety swim diaper;-) It almost looks like, as if your cute angel is a little precocial bird and to make sure, that she can't left the swimming bath on her own, so she need also wear medical mittens=) It is also not all that bad, if you be an example for your baby and also wear a swim diaper;-)


Aqua bnuuy \0/