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The results are in and the Machine theme rose to the top of the poll (8 votes), very closely followed by the Ordinary life theme (7 votes).

Medical is in third place with 3 vote as favorite subject and 7(!) as second favorite subject !

Since Machine won, I am sure quite a few of you will be happy to learn that this means I am finally going to draw a 2 page conclusion to the ages old 'Nursery Machine' comic. This conclusion will be written by CSFox, just like the rest of the comic.

Thanks to everyone who took the time to vote !




I for one welcome our new machine overlords, even if they want to steal away all my underwears


Wow....big susprise XD


Completing the Nursery Machine story will make many people very happy! I have seen people wishing for it around the net since forever, including me. *blush*


Welcome To The Machine