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Now that the 300$ goal has been reached. I'm now wondering what sort of reward you guys would like to see.

I had initially planned on drawing one extra lineart and one extra sketch per month but now that the Patreon has been rolling for a while, I can see that those don't get used as much as expected (at least judging from the amount of people who had been asking for sketches and lineart from me to color.), which makes me assume you guys might like a different reward, more in tune with what you are actually interested in.

I will hold a poll this weekend with various themes for you to pick and I was thinking of drawing three pictures based on whichever theme will get the most votes, one fully shaded and two in flat colors. (maybe one of the flat pic could be about the second most popular vote to keep things varied ?)

Would this system work out for you ? If you do, what themes would you like to see in such a poll ?

Do you want to see more of the Thompson sisters ? A new story/series of pic about different characters ? elaborated painting of various type of lasagnas ?

If you don't like this idea, what would YOU like to see on this patreon ?

(Reminder : Raffles are against Patreon rules so it's not a possibility anymore.)




I for one would love to see elaborate lasagna paintings. (on a more serious note, I vote for one of the poll themes to be something involving magic. Like, I dunno, someone gets magically *poof*'d into wearing puffy diapers, or suddenly needs them due to spontaneous AR/TG, or something along those lines)


Stuff with various realistic medical restraints of some sort. Or more asura, whichever works.


Asura are always nice. It'd be neat to see several different themes, maybe vagueish ones like 'fantasy' or 'nursery'