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Hang out in the nursery, get to know Josie some more and bond with her robotic caretaker Nanny One!

A new nursery ending has been added which involves being treated like a baby often enough that your rights to wander around might end up being revoked.

A new character will hang around the gaming room after meeting him at the nursery.

Ellie the cooking bunny has more things to say, get to know her better by visiting her again.

Download link (for Windows):

Thanks to TheShortKey who helped with this update's script and to all the Padded Discord peeps who reported so many, many bugs.

If you have Discord and you haven't done it yet, make sure to join us there too, it's the best place for rapid communication, offering suggestions or feedback and reporting bugs.

The Padded Discord link : https://discord.gg/vsJZjJQ




Again no version for Mac :(