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The 'Game over' screen for when Abbey ends up stuck in the nursery for the rest of her stay.

There will be three different ways of getting this ending, with varying degrees of willingness on Abbey's part and no, Mr Kitty isn't a necessary requirement in all three. <w<



Sneaky V

It's where she needs/ wants to be anyways her and her ginger-haired co-conspirator Kurin. Where they'll be safe and well diapered...err I mean well taken care of :p


She is such a cutie, and indeed, where she belongs=)


This looks to be the slightly more unwilling version...hehe. On a slightly different note just wanted to say the dialogues with linnet's character were so cute and sweet.


Mittens are such a wonderful bondage item. They are so simple but reduce the wearers ability to do so many things you take for granted.


I like how Mr. Kitty is also sharing her padded fate. On a personal note though, never been a fan of baby bonnets, dunno why.


*sniff* waahahahaaaaaaa you are purposely torturing me now X*(!!!! Any eta when we can expect the next update? (also so i can stop being annoying and asking XP)




Amazing picture, really well done


Hey carotte, all honesty, what is the actual plot of the game, like the actual goal and all? We know we're sent to a diapered asylum and whatnot and we meet a bunch of people, but what's the ACTUAL plot of the game? Like are we supposed to escape the asylum? Last a week? Uncover a conspiracy? Just curious, keep up the great work ^^


Typically Visual Novels have lots of different endings, what ending you get determines on your interaction with the characters and the world around you. Their isn't typically a flat out "objective" in this type of game rather it's the player's choice as to what Abbey does, and how she acts. The game is basically what you do from Days 1 - 7 and how it affects the outcome. So yes their may be an "Escape the Asylum" path, but for another player they may want to hang out in the Nursery for their entire stay. It's entirely up to the player to utilize what they have in game via dialogue options and mechanic wise to play however they want.


My guess is that Tyler's summation probably explains the long gap in updates. I can't imagine the boondogle of having to write 3-4 different responses to a scenario, carry each individual one down the rabbithole to conclusion, then having to write possibly four more for each individual chain after that. Even with some of the locational restrictions of the demo that only goes for two days I still raise my eyebrows at the interconnectivity. Pretty cool and I'm willing to wait.


That is exactly it! Several ending cuts the stay short as they limit your option to just waiting. (Ending in isolation or in the nursery, as shown in that picture). Then there are various possible conclusions if you do reach the final day. It's all about enjoying the story however the player see fit.


Huh, kudos ^^ But is there going to be like an overall "main plot"? I looked into this Visual Novel stuff for a better understanding of how these games work, and, while relationships do play a good factor into them, most of them seem to still center on a direct plot like "finding out this mystery" or "trying to accomplish this before the last day", etc. Just wondering is all, keep up the great work!


Just became a Patron last night.. and I love this game! :3 I would absolutely visit it... If I got to cuddle with Nurse One and Eleven... :3 They are my favorites! :D