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So much fun at Ciel's place :P 




Oh noo ):


Dammit...you're going to make me not hate him. 😐


ooooh. this poor jaded baby


If he doesn't have soap how does he not smell? Unicorn stuff?


I almost feel bad for him.


Oh. Yeah, this makes sense now. He can't live anywhere with normal people because he'd have to pay rent and utilities to people who are blocked by his perception filter. Well that sucks.


Figure i share here because this made me fell really bad and im like didn't knew i could feel this bad for a douche, then i remembered i went trough a similar situation years ago, i think i can understand better why hes so messed up, I fully expected for him to be in a situation like this but seen it like that took me back. When you can connect whit a invisible unicorn i suppose that is life for you, always seem to find inspiration ,lessons and whatnot from the most unexpected places. You gave me the feels today sad ones but that is not necessarily a bad thing, so keep up the good work and sorry for the wall of text just had to say something.


Serves the fucker right. LOL.


Now I feel rather bad for Ciel... I've almost been hating him for being such a douche, but all of this makes sense. How could he have a normal home when no one can see him? Poor guy. I feel bad for judging too quickly x)