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Ciel up to his old tricks?




Isn't he suppose to dissappear?


Yup, but he gets a couple minutes before the magic kicks in (like in the first chapter with Frost, he had just enough time to tell Frost there wouldn't be a second time). This time though he's just left right away.


is there any way to reverse the magic, even temporarily? Cause, I bet there are a few that would like to have a chat with Ciel. If he didn't look so darn handome I'd be pissed at him. XD


Unfortunately, not sure I can answer this yes or no without spoiling either way lol! As far as anyone knows though, the magic is irreversible, and Ciel has little to no control over it. The ring he gave Frost in chapter 1 was the only minimal way he could control the magic so it didn't make Frost forget him entirely.