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Hello lovely patrons!
February is over, and thank god, because that month always gives me the worst heartburn. You wouldn't think 2-3 fewer days in a month could really make that much difference, but it really does. It always feels like a mad scramble for me.

Now we're into nice-n-normal March, I've got some stream dates for you! This month, I'll be doing them a little later than usual. I'm in the process of trying to finish a draft of a book, and I really got into a good rhythm by the end of Feb, so I'm going to carry that momentum forward into the beginning of March to see if I can't get the draft close to 'done.' This book has been kicking my ass. It's the first one where I've braved writing trans characters. The plotting has been a lot trickier than previous books, though, so it's taken a lot more back 'n forth between drafting and revising to get it into shape. I'm also writing it with a deadline hanging over me, plus my other book is out on submission, and all that pressure is, uh, FUN 8)

ANYWAY, all this to say that streams will take place in the second half of the month. It was suggested I post all the request forms in one go at the beginning of the month to give you all time to fill them out, too. They will be up tomorrow! :)


  • Thursday the 16th @2PM GMT - Cinderfrost Page
  • Tuesday the 21st @2PM GMT - Sketch Requests
  • Wednesday the 29th @2PM GMT - Colour Requests

That's all for now! As always, thanks so much for being my patrons and supporting me in my creative endeavours. Much love <3


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