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Hey everyone!
This month is going to be a bit of a squished one! I'm leaving for Canada to see family and start the moving process on the 11th. I won't be back until month's end, so all the streams and comic work is going to be squished into the first week and a bit of this month. I'm going to try real hard to get it all done so no updates or streams are missed! 

With that in mind, the stream dates are!

  • Tuesday the 2nd @ 2PM BST - Cinderfrost Page
  • Thursday the 4th @2PM BST - Sketch Requests
  • Monday the 8th @2PM BST - Colour Requests

I'm sorry it's all so tightly packed rather than spread over the course of the month! I usually try to schedule my holidays over the last and first weeks of a month so I still have lots of time, but with flight prices through the roof I just had to choose dates that were cheapest. 

Hope you're all having a wonderful summer so far!


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