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How does the commission tier work?
Every month, after your pledge has been processed, you’re entitled to an original coloured sketch commission from me! Alternatively, you can save up over the course of several months for a different type of commission of increasing levels of complexity and quality.

What are the different tiers of commission available?
There’s a wide variety - coloured sketches, flat colours, soft colours, reference sheets, comic pages, and full coloured/detail work. This flow chart explains how much each type is and what you can expect from that tier. You can download the chart for a higher resolution!

I’d like to cash in for a commission I’ve been saving for, how do I do that?
Awesome! Send me a message letting me know you’re ready to cash in, and fill out this formwith your references and details. :)

What’s the difference between a simple and detailed background?
Simple backgrounds are organic in nature and leaves the focus of the piece on the characters and not the environment. A simple background would be something like a field, beach, bedroom, or snowy landscape. Detailed backgrounds can be more complicated and incorporate props, patterns and designs that give the room more character. A complex perspective, city scape, mechanical, cluttered or detailed interior design would count as complex (ex. a mechanic’s workshop, car interior, or messy room).

What counts as a character?
Generally speaking, anything with a face or that can move independent of its environment. The exception would be props such as stuffed animals.

I only have a written description of my characters. Is this okay?
I can work from a text description with one caveat: without visual reference I may not be able to give you the perfect result, so I can’t make multiple revisions or massive changes. I hope this is understandable :)

I’m not sure how much money I’ve saved, how can I find out?
Generally speaking your profile will tell you how much your lifetime pledge is. If you’ve cashed in on some commissions, simply deduct that amount from your lifetime, or ask me to give you a quote for how much you’ve accumulated!

Can I message you for updates on your progress?Of course! If you’re keen to know about my progress or it’s been a while since you heard anything, feel free to message me and I’ll get back to you with a rough estimate of how long until you can expect something! Commissions, depending upon their complexity, can take around 1-2 months to complete. I hope this helps and if there are any further questions, feel free to comment and I’ll add those questions to the FAQ :)




Thank you! This is extremely helpful :3


Damn, I signed up too late to claim this month


So what if I saved about $100, and then switched pledges to get it, would I be able to do that and then once it's processed I can switch back to a lower reward? Like for example if I were a $10 tier and then I got $100 and switched to that tier. Then after a month and the money is processed, I'd switch back to my original payment. So would that work for this? Or not?


Yes, you can switch to the $100 and then back to a lower tier at any time. You'd just have to make sure that your pledge was processed at the $100 tier at least once in order to get a commission perk :)