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Hi everyone!
I'm sorry for the delay in posting the dates for streams! This month is a bit of a funky one, so the schedule will be a bit different!

The big news for me is that I'm now an agented author!! Which means I'm now in the process of revising my book with my agent to get it ready for submission to publishers. I need to have it finished this month, so I'm trying to schedule that in alongside my patreon responsibilities. It's tight, but doable! I'm on track to finish the major revision this week, at which point I can send it to my agent and work on patreon things. Then I'll be trying to squish as much patreon stuff into the two weeks following before I get my line edits!

SO, given all of the above, here are our stream dates for this month!

  • Tuesday the 12th @2PM BST - Cinderfrost Page
  • Friday the 15th @2PM BST - Sketch Request Stream
  • Thursday the 21st @8PM BST - Colour Request Stream

I'll also be posting the request stream sketches tomorrow!

Thanks so much for your continued support and patience through the growing pains of my weird, whacky artistic career. I can't wait to share what's next. Much love <3


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