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Hello everyone!

I've sent out the pledge packs for July 2016 and also sent previous packs to those who requested them! This month's includes a pinup of Zack, who won the vote with 33 votes! It also includes ten new sketches (some coloured), two new pages of Cinderfrost, two new pages of the erotic mini comic 'Planets Align,' two sketched pages of Cinderfrost, and 10 PSD files.

As far as previous pledge pack requests go, there were a lot of requests for 'July' even though that is the current pack and not a previous one. I assumed those who said July meant June. It gets a bit confusing because you technically receive July's pack at the beginning of August, August's at the beginning of September and so on. I do it this way because that's how Patreon charges and catalogues each month's pledges, so sorry about the confusion! :) If you haven't requested a previous pledge pack and would like to get one (for every pledge you make you can receive a previous pack of the same value for free), leave a comment with which pack you'd like (March, April, May or June) and I'll get it to you on Monday next week!

The pinup poll went really well and had quite a lot of participation from patrons, which was awesome to see! If you'd be interested in seeing more polls for things like outfits/themes you'd like to see in the pinups or sketchbook, like or comment on this post and I'll take that into consideration for future work!

Milestone goals have also been updated to reflect the previous discussed changes and my goal to make most of the content publicly available while my patrons get polls, high resolution files, and all content early for as little pledge amounts as possible.

Thanks so much once again for your continued support! It means a ton to me <3




oooh i forgot to ask about getting Junes pack


Polls are a fun bit of interaction, so I'd love to see more. c:


I'd love one for June!


I've just started to pledge, do i have to wait next month to get the june pack?


Oh i would love a pack please, just started :o


June, please?


I'd love to grab the June pledge pack. Please and thank ya!


I would also like to partake in acquiring the June pack, please.


I'd love to get the March pack please! :)


I do not get the pack D:


I would love the June pack. Thanks; love your work!


I would really like to get the June pledge pack. I'm new, just started last month so I missed June by a few days.


I would love June pack please :D Thank you very much for your art &lt;3