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I can't believe a new year is here already! This past year has flown by for me. A lot has happened, and at the same time not much. It's a weird feeling! However, one of the best things about this past year is how I've started to build towards healthier working habits. I'm less burnt out and only occasionally start to feel really overwhelmed. It's overall helped my work in a big way. I feel like I can put more time and care into my art, and into experimenting. At one point, I became like an art factory, and it didn't allow me the time to explore or be curious about trying new techniques or media. I'm hoping to work on that some more in the year to come!

Onto the news for this month!


Request streams are phasing back to normal. I usually do two a month when I'm not thumbnailing. This month I will do three as a transition. One will be comic streaming, the next will be sketch requests, the following one will be colour requests reserved for Pretty Ponies and all tiers above. I'm going to try this out and see if I can maintain it. The dates will be:

  • Friday the 7th @2PM GMT - Cinderfrost
  • Thursday the 13th @2PM GMT - Sketch Requests
  • Tuesday the 18th @8PM GMT - Colour Requests


In previous months, I was trialling a fun thing where we all participate on some kind of drawing exercise together. I'm aiming to bring this back in March, when some of my other work obligations won't be so pressing! I need to make the exercises a bit simpler than previous ones, which took too much time and were difficult to follow. Any and all suggestions for what you'd like to see are welcome!


Writing becoming a paid job for me was a big accomplishment for me in 2021. I'm carrying that forward into 2022. I don't want to say my goal is to get an agent or get published; that's largely out of my hands and depends on so many fickle factors. Instead, my goal is going to be to query 50 agents. 

On my Christmas break, I also ended up thumbnailing tarot cards for fun while catching up on all the TV I hadn't watched all year (Arcane was SO GOOD, I'm obsessed) Working on these and doing some more traditional painting are high on my year's priorities. I just want to do this for fun, take my time, and not put pressure on myself with hard deadlines. I think the deadlines with patreon or other projects are fine, but when I carry it into my personal work I just burnout badly. I'm going to give myself the flexibility to just work on things as an idea comes to me instead. 

That's about it! I can't thank you all enough for sticking with me and supporting me as I figure out new directions for the patreon and try new things with my art style. This year of experimentation has done wonders for my creativity and outlook on life. 

As always, if there's something you'd particularly like to see in the years to come, let me know and I'll make a note of it :)

Much love!




I’m glad to hear your new approach has been helping! It’s definitely been a pleasure to see the more experimental work you’ve been doing, at least all of it that you’ve posted here. Any other work you’re willing to show us, I’d love to see (and if it’s more helpful to keep some of it out of the public eye, that’s totally fine too). I actually really liked the format of the first Draw with Demi - I don’t know that there’s anything about it I’d change, personally. There was just some Stuff that came up and flattened my motivation for art before I finished. I’m still trying to find my way back to doing art more regularly, and hearing about other artists who’ve managed to find a healthier approach is very helpful! Here’s hoping 2022 brings you the best of luck in your visual art, your writing, and everything else.