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Hello again lovely Patrons!

I thought I’d offer a little sketch preview of a couple panels from the upcoming comic short! The working title is ‘Planets Align’ and it follows the short story of how life-long friends Dexter and Shuki finally realize their feelings for one another. I’m really excited to share it with you :)

Getting Previous Pledge Packs

I’ve had a few questions about access to previous pledge packs. I’d like to make these accessible but would prefer not to have a whole separate shop for it, so what if I offered one missed pledge pack for every month of patronage? That means new patrons could receive old content without having to pay for it in bulk while also supporting future work. So just to clarify, for every month you pledge, you get that month’s perks along with one previous pack of the same value. Let me know if you like this plan and I’ll implement it immediately!

High Resolution Yay or Nay?

I’m thinking about sending the pages and perk art at a higher resolution as an extra thanks to patrons? Everyone likes seeing things in high def right? ;)

Full Colour Pinups

I’m keen to experiment with full colour pinups at some point, so I’ll likely be adding those to the perks (probably the $1 tier). Exciting! Any character you’d like to see in particular?

Update to Milestone Goals

Now that changes have been made to my pledges, I need to make changes to the milestone goals as well. The current ones are more than a little outdated lol!

I've had a think about it and my goal with the Patreon is to get as much content as possible to as many people as possible. With that in mind, I’d like to make the milestone goals about expanding the amount and type of content I create while extending the ratio of that which is made public/private. The ultimate goal would be to eventually make it accessible to everyone! As you may have already noticed if you’ve been a long time patron, I’ve been gradually condensing the most expensive perks down into the more affordable levels as the Patreon gains more support. My ideal setup would be to provide every patron with ALL my content early and at the highest resolution possible for only $1 a month, while releasing it on a delay to my public galleries. I’d need a lot more fans to pledge $1 a month for that to happen, but a girl can dream!

I’d also like to offer little incentives like the odd request, and give patrons the option to suggest the content they’d like to see, whether that be specific characters or scenarios. Whatever takes your fancy! I want to offer ways in which to say ‘thank you’ to my patrons, but I’d like to avoid making all perks patron-exclusive. I’m also open to suggestions on this front. What do you think? As a patron, would you feel cheated if the content was eventually made public, or do you like the idea of a ‘free content, donate as much as you can afford to support the creation of more’ approach?

All that in mind, here’s my suggested setup for milestone goals. If you have other suggestions for content or milestone restructuring, please let me know in the comments, I’m happy to hear any and all feedback!


I will create 10 sketches (some colour work), 2-3 nsfw comic pages, and 1 page of Cinderfrost. Cinderfrost would be released publicly on a delay and at a lower resolution!


I’ll create 15 sketches and coloured works for the $2 tier and start to release the nsfw comic shorts publicly on a delay!


Thank you so much! All content except PSDs and page sketches will now be available publicly on a delay! High-rez PSDs and page sketches will now be available at the $5 tier. I will also try to create 4-5 comic pages a month (both erotic shorts and CF)!


Wow. At this point, I will just try to make as much content as I possibly can! I’d also try to work out a couple request streams for patrons. Finally, ALL content would be accessible early to patrons from the $2 tier. You all rock.


I don’t even know if this is possible! But if it is, I’ll make all content accessible early to patrons from the $1 tier. Bless you.

I may have to adjust this as I get a better idea of how much work I can actually handle but I THINK this is reasonable.

Feedback and suggestions are wonderful! Thank you so much guys!





I have one question regarding the upcoming comic:the panel looks like it's a straight love story, am I right?


My original reason for pledging was to see more Cinderfrost so as long as that keeps happening I'm all good. But I'm def uping to the mini-comic tier now ;)


So if I pledge for four months, I can get all four of the previous month's that I had missed, for the Pledge Packs? If I am reading that correctly.


Yep! Along with the current ones for the months you were pledging (so eight total, a buy one get one free method if you will :))


Yep! It will, atm I'm just writing the second chapter so there may be a small gap between updates but hopefully I can make a mostly smooth transition ;)


Yes, it is! I plan on doing one straight and one gay just to make it 50/50. Next one I'll let people vote on which characters they'd like to see as well!


The previous pledge packs idea sounds great!