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So, Mariah Carrey has smashed all my jack-o-lanterns and we're officially into the leadup for the festive season! This one is going to be unique for me here on Patreon because I a) am now out of thumbnails for Cinderfrost and need to accrue that backlog again b) will actually be seeing family this time, which means Christmas is going to be busier than usual. As I said in last month's news post, I'll be doing request streams these months in place of the usual comic updates so I can build my backlog and still give you some unique content. Because the colour ones went well, I'm going to do some more of those this month! However, because it's a replacement for comics, they'll be available to all tier levels in November/December. Here are the dates for this month!


  • Thursday the 4th @2PM GMT - Sketch Request Stream
  • Tuesday the 9th @8PM GMT - Colour Request Stream
  • Thursday the 18th @8PM GMT - Colour Request Stream


My first month as a paid writer went really well. I got quite a bit written and dove back into my werewolf book, making progress with characters who'd stumped me for a bit. I also won a professional edit critique on my query letter/first five pages of the novel I intend to try and tradtionally publish, so will be hearing about that soon. Lastly, November 6th I'll find out if I'm a Pitch Wars mentee (meaning that book will get a full feedback/critique from published author(s). It's very unlikely I'll get this, so if I don't, my plan is to do another revision myself. Bot this new outlet and trying the new colouring style in the request stream has been helping me with the creative burnout I'd been experiencing through the pandemic. Reconnecting with my art has been important this year, after feeling a bit like a machine trying to just churn out as much as possible. Though it means I don't get to post as often, I feel like the quality of what I make and my mental health has really benefitted from not treating myself like an art factory. Thanks to everyone who's been supportive and encouraging while I've been trying different things with the Patreon and my artwork! It's all a process and constantly changing, but I'm optimistic about the direction of things now!

That's about it for now! I hope to see you at some of the streams this month. Much love! <3


Markius Fox

Looking forward to the colour request streams, going to submit the sketch you did a few months back of my Sergal.


I actually do totally new sketches for these, as full-body would be too difficult for me to finish in the time allowed! It's usually a portrait or half-body with a decorative element like the flowers :)