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I'm trying to do more sketching to overcome my noodle-y nature of overrendering and focusing too much on finalized work, so here are some of the things I doodled this week on the iPad.

I did some warmup sketches of foxes where I tried to focus on capturing the motion/pose and not going too detailed. I also did most of the coloured one in five minutes with the lasso tool, a method Loish teaches in her tutorials (which are, frankly, as good as a college education; seriously, if you want great art tutorials, join her patreon).

The next is just a bunch of noses... Sometimes... you just wanna draw a bunch of snoots. (Or eyes, or mouths, just facial features without having to worry about proportions or anything else)

The last two are the 'default' character designs for V from Cyberpunk 2077. The in-game defaults looked nothing like the trailer versions, and of course I preferred the trailer ones, so I tried my best to capture them. (I'm just really in love with male V's nose, or just V in general? Street-hardened lonely rat kid just needs a hug is my new fave genre.) Portraits is something I tend to default to when I have low energy and need to just...chill. Basically my equivalent of doodling on a notepad while on the phone.

I want to try and do a quick sketch each morning in March, but will I manage to stick to that? Who knows. Gonna try though! I'll probably post them as weekly dumps so they don't get spammy, and the subject matter will be all over the shop (animals, humans, hand studies, pose studies, colour studies, whatever I'm feeling like each morning). Quick, loose and relaxed with low pressure and just see what happens ^_^




Wow, the fox sketches are amazing for "quick" sketches


lovely foxos