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(Download for hi-rez)

Not going well for them so far, I think Cinder might be a little peeved.



Dhaka Yeena

Yes!!!!! Slaughter them all!!! *shovels popcorn into my mouth*


Destruction inbound... *Sets up a chair to watch from the hill*


yes yes yes yes


Yes yes kill them all 😈


I love this. Also, download link?

Diego P

RIP twinky extra


I can't help but agree with several of the other comments. If they want to kill the Hell-Touched just for existing, then turnabout is fair play; kill them with zero mercy just like the 'normals' are having public executions for HellTouched that do nothing more than just being what they are. Oh sure, it'll make things overall a lot worse for a while, there will be a lot more deaths between both groups, but there will eventually have to be a ceasefire called and something worked out, some sort of agreement made. Either that, or the war continues until there's no one left on one side or the other, if not both. Overall, the whole thing has Christianity-witch-hunt vibes.


But then along came Cinder, he hurled his thunderbolt...