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Some requests for this sketchbook! Parker as a human and Annie as a boy. Cinder and Frost noseboop afterglow. My lacy chicken character flashing people at a rave. Aurelie guiding Taryn into topping her. And finally Ivy using her powers on Zack :P




Another really fun batch of sketches - love all the variety. Those hips look good on Annie as a boy too. The CinderFrost pic is adorable. <3 I really like the concept and results for the Aurelie and Taryn sketch. They’re all so good... I could go on and on...


Can't get enough of Cinder and Frost <3 Taryn and Zack too, always nice to see them. And Lacy is a nice addition. I feel like I don't see too many avian characters.


Twink!Annie is adorable, and the chicken is super cute. Hope we see more of her! Both sketches with girls in charge are top-tier, too. Taryn getting guided through bicurious experimentation is fantastic, and I love seeing more helltouched powers get shown off. Maybe Ivy should do some self-shibari with those vines. :D


Also: I see that "Pt. 1" on there. Please don't make a Pt. 2 for July, because you've been working hard enough on our characters. You aren't a machine and I expect you to take care of yourself that way 0u0


The first part of this was supposed to be: I always love your sketches, Demi! They're always so nice, and there's always at *least* one that I *really* like. This one's is Ivy. I'm swiftly coming to love her as a character <3