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Hello lovely patrons,

Got some stream dates and exciting news for you guys.

First up, the discord is now up and running for business! If you've already connected your patreon account with discord, it should assign your role automatically and you'll see 'Demi's Doobles' as a channel you've got access to. If you haven't, here's a handy link on connecting Patreon with discord :)

Once you're connected, checkout the 'rules' channel on the server. Since the server is 18+ there's a bot that will ask you to confirm your age before getting access to everything else. After that, it's all open!

Huge thanks to Ender for helping me with the technical sides of things. He'll be modding as well, so everyone give him a hand for helping my technologically-impaired self get this thing on its feet! If there's any problem, please give me or Ender a shout.

Stream Dates:

Tuesday 19th at 2PM GMT - Sketchbook drawing

Wednesday 27th at 8PM GMT - Pinup painting

Hope to see you guys at one or both! I'll post a reminder in the discord when I go live :)

Thanks everyone, and enjoy!



Sooo excited for the discord!


How can i join the discord server?