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Hey everyone,

Before I post the monthly pinup tonight, I just wanted to give you a head's up about some bad news in my life. A little less than two weeks ago, I got the news that my grandfather passed away. It wasn't covid, he was very old and died peacefully in his sleep, but covid has meant I can't go home to be with family, and we can't hold a funeral. It's been really hard to accept, grieve and deal with that extra level of isolation all while keeping up with my usual responsibilities.

I'm considering refunding the Fancy Felines for April since I only managed one post for the tier this month. I had a short story planned, and I was going to draw a world map, but I just ran out of time. I'm going to try and get more content out next month, but if I can't I'll just issue refunds. Luckily, the lockdown means I'm not really spending any money on transport or eating out with friends, so I can handle things financially.

I just need time to process things. I really appreciate you all and don't want you to think I take your patronage for granted, so I'm letting you know why I fell down a little this month.

To try and end this on a happier note, I've put together the Discord and just need to tweak it a bit before opening it up to you all!

Thanks so much for your patience and understanding. It's been a rough couple of months, but I'm comforted by the thought that I have so much support to help me through it <3





You have my condolences. It's awful that you can't travel home for the funeral, but perhaps you can have a little personal ceremony of remembrance? This pandemic has been hard on all of us. Don't push yourself too hard &lt;3


Oh no, that's rough :s Sincerest condolences.


All my condolences.

Isolfr Ironfang

I'm sorry for your loss. And I know a bit of what your going through. My brother died 2 days ago. They think it was a heart attack Again I'm so sorry for your loss....It is really hard right now


I lost my grandfather last year, so I know how it feels. You have my condolences.




God I'm so sorry Isolfr &lt;3 Pls take care of yourself too. That must be very hard


Thank you, I'm trying to do little things for myself and we're having a 'vigil' online through Zoom in the mean time to remember him. I appreciate the kind words. &lt;3


I’m sorry to hear the bad news. But I would rather you don’t refund me. I joined (even suggested before you made it) the fancy felines to be a larger giver to you. I love your art and I love being a part of supporting that.


Bless you &lt;3 Thank you so much for the generosity and support. I can't tell you how much I appreciate it.


Sorry to hear about your Grandpa.


:( This is so sad to hear. You have my condolences. And i would like you to not refund me. I mainly want to support you for all the awesome work you do. &lt;3


I'm so sorry to hear about your grandfather! I know its hard but your one of the good ones who are actually following the quarantine and are helping end it. Thank you so much for your sacrifice and dont you dare refund me, you deserve my donation plus a whole bunch more, I'll personally up my donation for next month to $50. I wish you the best and again, Im so sorry for your loss


I'm so terribly sorry to hear of your loss, Demi. Hugs from an internet stranger, if they're welcome. Take your time to process how you need, we'll all be here still when you're ready.


Don't worry about refunding me, these aren't typical circumstances. Please, take care of yourself and give yourself time to grieve.


Our deepest condolences. From personal experience we can understand how difficult the loss of a loved one can be. So take it slow and take the time you need.


You're too kind T_T Thank you so much, it's an incredible help to know I'm not letting you guys down

Iris Lokspuhr

It's always rough, just now more than ever with what's going on. I hope when all this is over you have a chance to hold a memorial service, at the very least. Just keep on doing what you can until then, though. 💙