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He's onto you, fluffbutt.




Hey Demicoeur, I just joined your patreon, I was hoping to find more comic pages then you have on your FA account, but I can't find them, or even the most recent pages that you do have on FA. Is chapter 1 completed on FA, and if not are there more pages released somewhere on patreon? Or is everything up to date and I just gotta hold my horses and wait for new pages/chapter? Btw, I love your comic, the characters are absolutely beautiful, the art is stunning and the plot in very intriguing. :)


Hiya! I can explain this one: I'm behind on posting them here as most are publicly available at this point and I wasn't sure whether I should post them individually and spam the thread or just post a single thread with a downloadable zip file. The reason you wouldn't have received the unposted files in the last pledge pack is that I've moved onto chapter 2 now and forgot that new patrons won't have the previous chapter files. In the next pledge pack I'll be sure to include all unposted Cinderfrost pages as well so you can catch up! :)


uh oh. seems like Frost is becoming suspicious.


welcome back by the way


Frost wants Cinder to make up his mind


Uhm Cinder, I suggest you tell the buck what he wishes to know. Unless you want to end up a wolf-sicle.


So sweet. Yep, he's definitely in love with you too your wolfbutt, best be time you admit it too even though you both pretty know it! "is being an obvious fanboy" Really though this comic has always been beautiful, seeing it continue is amazing and it's a great, excellent story going on.


I like how the jaggy panel borders are rendered. Do you use a kind of filter for that? A special technique?


Thanks! I use the selection tool to outline the panel and then I sort of roughly paint white to the inside edge. That way the outside edge of the box is perfectly straight, but the inside is sort of bumpy (supposed to imitate snow clinging to the edge of a window frame). :)