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Hi everyone!

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season, whatever traditions you celebrate, and that 2020 is looking up!
Sorry I haven't managed to start posting January perks yet, I took a couple weeks off to see family for Christmas and, true to form, got sick. Not once, but twice, which makes five different viruses I've contracted since the end of October. This last one morphed into a chest infection so I've just been dying for the past while, trying my best to rest and get better (but rest is kind of hard when you can't breathe well in a lying down position T_T). In any case, I'm on the mend now and getting ready to start posting new things! I'm excited to get back to the comics, maybe do a few streams (they were fun!) and figure out some more changes to improve the Patreon and help balance out my workload better!

Let me know if you did anything fun for the holidays! I had a trip to Ireland (which I was unfortunately sick throughout) but it was still a great time with family and celebrations. Also watched The Witcher on Netflix and (to my surprise, since I adored the games and was sorta half and half in my enjoyment of the books) loved it. What did you guys get up to?

Thanks so much for your patience while I've been ill. Much love to you all <3


Avis Jay

Hope you get well soon and don't push yourself. Take the time you need to recover.


🎶 Toss a coin to Demicoeur... 🎶


I too watched Witcher and liked it more than I thought I would! :o Hope you're feeling better! ^_^


Good to have you back! &lt;3


🤒 Just take it easy and relax a bit longer. There is no need to push yourself. And you are right The Witcher was great to watch.