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Hi everyone! Thanks a ton to those of you who've pledged already. I really hope I can make this patreon fun for everyone. Feel free to comment or post discussions/suggestions as well! Some things about the activity feed: I'd really like it to serve as an open forum between everyone. If you have fanart/fanfiction you want to share, you can do that. If you want feedback on a piece of artwork, I'd be interested in doing little critique groups. People don't have to worry about digging through the feed to find the paid posts either because there's a helpful tab at the top that will only show creator posts :) Second thing, after launching, I started looking over the pledge levels for the kajillionth time, and I've decide to merge the $50 high rez pledge level into the $25 WIP progress pack. I originally got a bit pedantic with raising each pledge level gradually, but I didn't really consider that 50 is a bit much for the PSD reward. I think this would be fairer. This change won't negatively affect anyone (no one is in the $50 pledge level and it just means those in the $25 pledge level get more bang for their buck). Thanks again everyone! Looking forward to the months to come!



F*** really??? Going 25 NOW.


That's awesome news! I'm glad to hear ^^ I can't wait to hear what comes next <3


It's a very nice idea to use patreon as a way for your community to communicate! For the critique groups, does it have to be fanart of your universe to fit here? (I think so but I prefer to ask! ^^)


For critique groups, it could be anything that's a WIP, I think? It could be related to the comic but if not, so long as it's specifically for critique and not just an open gallery of work, that'd be cool :P I'm not sure how to hold the critique groups just yet. It would be cool if we could set up 'houses' with different people in each group and hold contests or something between them, but maybe I'm getting a bit ahead of myself lol.


Ah! Awesome, thank you! :D As far as making any of the pledge levels more attractive, I'm all ears! I'm honestly not sure what people want most out of their rewards so feedback is great :)


Also, I'm curious about a couple of PSD files for some comic pages. I'm really curious of how you do your work for some of them.


Cool! The PSDs should be helpful as far as comics go, moreso than they will be for my painting process I think? The WIP shots will probably be more informative as far as how I paint goes, since I work with very few layers :)