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Some doodles for the May sketchbook! Developing Kleo's character a little, going for a rougher sort of tough gal in a small package. 

As always, if you have ideas for sketchbook material, please let me know! I do so many of these that I run out of ideas so comment or message me with characters or scenarios you'd be interested in!

These sketches now amount to 299 sketches over the course of my patreon, so next month I'll hit the 300 sketch milestone! Thanks so much for making that possible <3



typo Adventure

Idea: Parkour and other sports could give you a chance to practice movement and action. Not to mention, parkour is hot. And I always think of Pa'kur doing parkour


How about some tender lesbian first date stuff? I don't know enough about your cast's exact preferences to suggest specific characters, but I'm thinking one of them being super nervous/blushy while holding hands while the other is reassuring her. Overall positive and happy, but that element of "oh my god I'm really doing this" is super cute.


Gaaahd the makeout handy is like... way too hot. 😍

typo Adventure

Oh! Idea: A'Khyl realizing that he likes being dominated in bed and feeling ashamed of himself, before his /loving/ partner reassures him by pounding him!! :O

typo Adventure

Btw you totally don't have to draw/write this... just trying to inspire you! :D