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Hey everyone,

My creator page looks a bit borked as it has broken images all over it. Just wanted you to know I'm looking into it, but can't seem to find a solution. The links to those images aren't broken (I can follow them directly) and when I've uploaded the images to different third party sites, or reuploaded to imgur, Patreon still spits out the weird question mark broken image thing.

I'm assuming this is an issue with Patreon as I've seen others having similar difficulties but it is Annoying and makes the page look uncared for. Want to make sure you know I'm trying to fix it T_T

Thanks lovelies again for your support and welcome to anyone who's just pledged! I promise the page doesn't normally look like that! ;D

EDIT: Fixed it using Tumblr as a third party host. Seems weird that other sites worked previously and don't now but there we go 8\


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