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I've gotten this question a few times so I'm going to make a little faq post about it! The answer is surprisingly long lol

Patreon doesn't offer image additions to polls.

I have accumulated... a lot of characters over the years. Needless to say, I don't expect all my patrons to memorize them. Originally, I would link to my character lineups if people needed a reminder of who's who. With the method I use now, it's much easier to post an image with all the options so everyone can see at a glance which characters are being voted on and don't have to click back and forth between character lineups anymore :)

No way to hide poll results.

Doodle offers a feature where voters can't see the poll's results. This is surprisingly invaluable; before using this feature, I found that polls followed a very predictable pattern. Whichever two characters were in the lead within the first half hour of the poll, those two would stay in the lead for the remainder as all other voters applied their vote strategically (even if they preferred the 3rd or 4th place characters). With hidden polls, I've noticed a more even distribution of votes and characters rising and falling in the poll over the course of the week.

If these features get added to patreon's polls, I'll happily use their built in ones. For now though, this is the simplest and most convenient option I can find! Thanks for reading and I hope the doodle method so far isn't too inconvenient (or at least trades one larger inconvenience for a lesser one lol!).



Understandable, at least two other people I support do this as well.

Niall MacConaill

I for one relly appreciate the addition of the lineup in the poll post, not having to search for the full lineup images. Which can be very distracting. :)


About the voting strategy: Atleast in my case, I usually have 1-3 favorites out of the voting cast each time - so seeing others vote's let me choose a character that had better chance of winning but was also still my favorite. Where as now I randomly choose one of my favorites while trying to guess which one other people probably like better too so it has any chance. So I think this method just brings different downsides/upsides. It would be interesting to see what happened if up to two choises per vote was possible.


If I could state the limit on number of votes to 2, I would definitely do that! I think the only options are to have one vote per person or unlimited votes per person (where someone could theoretically vote for all four or three). I could do that however as a test run next time?