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In keeping with last month's pinup, this one is also two characters, but with girls! Fair's fair, now the girls get a chance to be shown a little lovin'.

The contestants this time are the following characters and themes!

  • Runa/Hazel - Black Magic
  • Daisy/Mackenzie - Farmer's Daughter
  • Saffron/Willow - No Honour Amongst Thieves

Cast your vote here: http://doodle.com/poll/5g4qbxak3c2nibih





Hazel intrigues me greatly. I hope we see more of her regardless of whether she's in this pinup or not. :D Also on the actual poll, it says "Runa/Stella" instead of Hazel.


Whoops! I first named her Stella and renamed her Hazel, I can't change the poll though without eliminating all the votes in that category, so I've just left it for now. It seems the name mistake hasn't confused anyone :)