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Taking some suggestions for what to draw, here's sketchbook pt. 1 for June 2017! If you want to continue making suggestions, you can do so in the post below :) I'll keep coming back to it when I need ideas




Yay <3


How about some perspective play, like some kind of dominate POV shot of Taryn, Zack, or Pavel. I think that would be pretty cool


What George Ramirez said about Cinder being topped by frost would be pretty hot. That or more of dexter getting pounded. also yay tidal wave :3 Thanks! So glad I subscribed for this!


Ciarin and Varyck locking horns and rutting


Taryn and Parker cuddling.


i love the tidal wave one


How about Parker getting topped by one of the more submissive boys, like Taryn, Ciaran, or Dayo? A little role reversal never hurt anyone :)

Morgan Leger

Maybe try something with the pinup picks that didn't win. Like have them go to the beach or a themed idea like see them as pirates or a lost tribe in the jungle. Also, I'm curious to see what else you can do with Taryn. He's so well drawn for such an innocent yet cute fox. Or alternate "what ifs" like what if Cinder was a sub or gender swapping Dexter and Shuki from Tidal Wave?