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Hi everyone!
For May's pinup, Dayo won the character vote with 44 votes!

Now it's time to vote for his theme! The options are: Merchant of Silk and Seduction, Debauched Devil, Lingerie Aren't Just for Ladies, and Solstice Celebrations.

Vote here: http://doodle.com/poll/cfq56nztrt3wx92f

The results of the vote were as follows:

  • Dayo - 44 votes
  • Varyck - 35 votes
  • Ridley - 27 votes
  • Killian - 20 votes

Dayo's Bio: Dayo, for someone so young, has experienced a lot in his years. He's travelled with a nomadic band of actors and entertainers, worked in an organized crime ring amongst the busiest market of the city, stowed away on a pirate ship, and even served a queen for a short time. Though his life has been eventful, it has also been lonely. Dayo makes friends with ease but never seems to keep them, moving onto the next great adventure and never putting down roots anywhere permanent. As a result the idea of 'home' has become a romantic ideal in his head that few places or people could possibly live up to, so he continues the treasure hunt and hopes, secretly, that he will find what he's been searching for all along.




Only 20 for Killian ? *Sad* :c

Niall MacConaill

This was one of the fastest choices I've ever done...