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Okay my friends, I'll resume the December Pack with the 5 main images and a total of around 60 variants plus the wallpapers, I think it's a good number for a pack considering the time I have to spend in each one and the quality I'm putting on them, so in some hours you may receive a message from me with a link for download as usual.

For the scheduled commissioners, I'll contact you probably very soon when I start your piece.

A very important change it will be about the old rewards. Unfortunately due to short space on my backup server, I'll have to delete all the files from 2018 and eventually from 2019, as you can see the latest packs got bigger, so I'll not able to have backups of a entire year anymore. The solution I have for this is offer discount for those which have interest on buying old packs on Gumroad. Tier 5 will get 20% off, Tier 10 will get 30% off and Tier $15 will get 50% off.

Comment below if you have any doubt or send me a PM if you prefer.


Pierre Johnson

delete? that actually made me panic!


I would like to keep them in my backups, but unfortunately this became unviable.


Thanos just snapped them out of existence


A suggestion, and pardon me if this sounds silly, would you be able to put your work on an external hard drive, then perhaps have a landing page "catalog" or gallery of your past work? This way patrons have something to reference. Admittedly, patreon is less than ideal as a browsing platform from a gallery perspective :) My $0.02 lol


Yeah I have some backups on external hd. But by reference do you mean, to see what they can buy or get here on Patreon? If so, I have galleries on DeviantArt and HF, there people can find some of my past works as previews in low resolution.


Do you use mega.nz, they offer if i remember correctly 50 gb for a free account


Yeah I do, but now they're only giving 15GB for free accounts.


Upload to e-hentai, although, it's probably already on there.