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What's in the Ground Belongs to You

Nathan struggles to reach an increasingly despondent Haley, while Quinn leads Jamie on a Tree Hill treasure hunt. Julian shows his finished film to Brooke, and Clay is forced to deal with a deranged Katie.

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Hi Sofie!! are we getting a new buffy reaction today? :)

Mariella Nilsson

Great reactions as always, such an amazing and heartbreaking preformance from joy!


I think it's confusion based on the schedule she posted a few days ago. She said it would be Originals, then Angel/Buffy, then OTH. Originals was posted and now it went straight to OTH, so it's looking like Angel/Buffy go skipped.


it's almost midnight where I live, i simply want to know if i should stay up a little longer to wait for the reaction or not, it's all good if it doesn't come out today. I can ask politely if i want to, mind your own business <3


I'm sorry, I mixed up the schedule and recorded OTH before Buffy verse by mistake. I'll try to post it first thing tomorrow.


I'm sorry, I mixed up the schedule and recorded OTH before Buffy verse by mistake. I'll try to post it first thing tomorrow.


Sofie is very consistent in posts. Maybe not to a given day but she is consistent. There’s will come when they come and “we” will enjoy them all the same.


I know she is very consistent. Again, i asked because i wasn't sure if it was coming out today or not, and there's absolutely nothing wrong in asking if it's done politely. Not everything is a debate and the question wansn't directed at you.