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Battle of the Bastards

As the Starks prepare to fight, Davos loses something dear. Ramsay plays a game. Daenerys faces a choice.

Link to the reaction:

I made an exception this video and showed the footage for the episode though I would have to edit the post and do the old version of the reaction after a couple of days to avoid any trouble. Hope you enjoy this epic episode and Merry Christmas!





This is not my favorite battle in the show, but I do see it as the best. Sure that's just opinion but it's mostly for the way it was filmed so spectacularly. Many long shots were done without cuts, and the realism of such massive amounts of gore and death, piles of bodies forming a wall and fighting atop them as well; it seems almost too real for TV. I guess that's why it was nominated for and won so many awards, including Emmys for directing and writing (cinematography should've been at least nominated too!) The shield wall maneuver with the spears is taken from at least one historical battle - someone else can cite specifics if they know. Sophie, your reactions - as usual - are FIRE! You have become my favorite creator in a VERY short time (I still consider myself a newb to your channel). In less than a month, I have only seen your reactions to the Star Wars movies, GoT up to here, Firefly up thru ep8 and Breaking Bad as far as you've gone S2 ep4. You amaze me with your insights, your opinions and attitudes toward some things; and predictions that, while maybe hit-and-miss, are well-thought out. Oh and I also love that you have no filter. Too many creators are either afraid to cuss on video (and a few just don't normally cuss ever) but you don't hold back and you speak your mind clearly. Call this a love letter and me crushing - fine, idc - but you totally rock these reactions, and my world through them. <3


I need next episode so much😂


Rickon didn't necessarily know that Ramsay was shooting arrows at him. He just wanted to get to Jon as quick as possible. I don't understand why Ramsay's dogs didn't eat Sansa as well though. I prefer the battle at Hardhome to this one.

Star Stormer

I think the dogs were locked in with Ramsay. They couldn’t reach Sansa

David Watson

Fantastic!!! This episode never gets old. I am so glad, that you reacted to this episode. I look forward to your reactions, to the finale episode. Until then.


Some people really get upset at Sansa's actions here, in not telling Jon about the Vale army. The real reason she didn't is because the show wanted it to be kind of a surprise, and I get being frustrated with that as a writing choice. That's more than fair. That being said, I think there is plenty of in-universe justification if you think about it for a moment. 1. We see Sansa send a letter, but we do not see a reply, and it is unlikely that she would have gotten one considering their army was in the process of traveling toward the battlefield. So while she has asked Littlefinger and the Vale to come to their aid, she doesn't know for sure that they will. So, should she tell Jon: "Hey, this person we both know we can't trust and wouldn't want help from may be bringing an army?" Should she make Jon change his battle plans based on something that she doesn't know for sure will even happen? 2. Jon didn't even want to wait longer in order for them to find more Northern allies. Do you honestly think he would be more inclined to wait for the sake of allies being brought by Littlefinger? If Sansa had told Jon, his response would likely be what Sansa's initially had been: to tell Littlefinger no. 3. While Sansa's plan absolutely results in the deaths of some of their men, it is Jon's actions that cause the majority of it and yet no one aims the kind of vitrol at him that Sansa gets for her actions. Hell, way back in s1 Robb willingly sacrificed at least a thousand men purely for the sake of capturing Jamie Lannister. Sansa makes a calculated choice to not tell Jon based on several factors AND so they can keep an element of surprise that allows them to reclaim Winterfell. I'm not saying its a 100% morally good choice, but just that it isn't anymore "evil" than what Robb did.


All fair points, but I think the way the show goes about it is poorly done. Sansa tells jon that they need a larger force, but she was the one to initially tell him to go to war with the forces they had. Then when the gravity of the situation comes, she starts acting like jon wasnt listening to her at all. Which, honestly, makes sense because she doesnt have battle experience. Living with Ramsey is one thing, planning a battle is another. She could have told him about Ramsey's ways and also told jon last minute about baelish. That way, he may have been more inclined to not run after Rickon. However, I do agree that Jon doesnt get any vitrol for this battles death toll compared to sansa. But, that may be because everyone is blinded by the spectacle of the battle and because jon is fan favourite compared to sansa. I just wish they didnt frame it as a sansa glory moment for the sake of glory because it really messed with the moment imo


I always felt that Sansa felt ashamed of her connection to Littlefinger and she tries to hide it. She doesn't want other people to be exposed to him. She doesn't feel safe enough to share everything.

Wisdom of the Sphynx

👸🏼🐲🐲🐲🔥⛵️⛵️🔥 love it 😊

Nebulous Shooter

You can try spinning it however you want, w/o going into spoilery teritory, that is absolutely Sansa finally playing the game.


nah Jon was an idiot too. Rickon was an idiot. Ramsay was an idiot - why not use the castle as defense. just awful writing for this episode in general.