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I'm having a hard time posting the originals because of some technical problems so I posted Buffy first instead.


After Anya grants a particularly gruesome wish, Buffy feels that she must kill Anya. Xander tries to stop her, but the problem is solved when Anya requests to take it back and leave the vengeance demon fold.

Link to the reaction:




Thom Purdy

They may not look like it, but Bunnies can really take care of themselves.


I love that Anya’s original human name is phonetically “Odd”. So fitting. She is odd, in the most adorable way. I also love, Sophie, your reaction to Spike’s conversation with the “gentle Buffy” at the beginning of the episode. Wouldn’t it be a bit baffling for Buffy to be that kind to him after all that’s happened between them? I also love the contrast of that Buffy in light-colored, soft clothing and gentle demeanor with the sharp, black-clad real-life Buffy. It’s a fascinating peek into Spike’s current psyche.

Jonathan Hall

One of my favorite parts of this episode is even when Buffy is fighting the big bad "true evils", she is usually joking and taunting them. When she has to kill Anya she's cold serious and even apologizes.


they established in 6x14 Older and far away (with Halfrek) that vengeance demons can't be killed by a sword going through them 😃


damn such a great episode and a great reaction 💗

Martin Waits

such a great episode.

Phoenix Dawn

I love this episode. Bonus points to Willow's wardrobe and hair Omg!


Such an astute observation that her social awkwardness stemmed from before she became a vengeance demon. Great reaction, SoFie


You’re absolutely right in saying that Buffy meant she’s the “law” in a way where because she’s the slayer there’s some things the human world can’t decide so she’s left to do so. Whilst Faith was saying that she’s above the laws of man, because she’s the slayer she should have special privileges as she saves 1000s of lives by getting rid of vampires, 1 accident shouldn’t invalidate all the good she’s done. She most likely didn’t hear Willow at all as she was so heated with Xander in the moment. This is a fantastic episode and definitely 1 of my favourites from S7. I remember watching this for the first time thinking this was Anya’s last episode. From beneath you, it devours.

The Witch Hawk

Anya/Aud's journey, for me, is really about identity. At first we see Aud eager to share her resources and abundance (bunnies) with the villagers. An economy of charity and generosity. Mutual atruism. We see her again in the early 20th century where Anya preaches the merits of communism, and Hellfreck (sp) alludes to Anya herself being partially responsible for the Communist Revolution in St. Petersburg, Russia. Anya's economic belief system changes again when she becomes a part of the Scoobie Gang, where we see her embrace capitalism. Her participation in capitalism via the Magick Box seems to give Anya a real sense of purpose and identity, until her cirumstances change again. Anya's identity is tied to her current circumstance, and by extension, so too is her economic belief system. In an ever-changing, violent, demonic world this would be a great quality to possess - the ability to easily adapt to different extremes, especially when you are immortal and will have to put up with A LOT of change in circumstance. But this doesn't work as well in a finite, mortal world. Anya's identity also appears to be defined, or at least highly affected by, her trauma - at first romantic trauma (Olaf, Xander), then trauma from her acts of violence. The rabbits seem to be tied to this trauma, both the romantic betrayals and violent vengence that follows. Rabbits are soft and affectionate, non-violent, and ultimately helpless. I think this could be a metaphor for a side of Anya that is vulnerable, or a perhaps a side of Anya she herself wishes she could embrace in a safe and reliable circumstance - the ultimate economy of generosity - a romantic relationship. Anya will not be able to "embrace her inner bunny" and become romantically vulnerbale until her identity stands alone from circumstance. In addition to "I'll be Mrs.", and the mystery of the rabbits being revealed in this episode, we all finally know how that man in "OMWF" got that mustard stain on his favorite dress shirt!

Sean Stuart

I know a lot of people love Xander I think there are only like 10 episodes I don’t want to punch him in the face because he has the bad combo of smug and insecure

Ava Sinclair

as much as I wanted Xander to finally own up to what he did back in season two, it's probably a good thing Buffy didn't really pick up on it because I don't know that she would have ever been able to forgive him. If he had told her what Willow was doing and given her the chance to stall, she might never have had to kill Angel. Some dogs are better left sleeping, yeah?


I haven't finished yet but I just have to say the language they're speaking is kind of a mix between Swedish and Norwegian, and as a Norwegian is soooo hilarious, cause honestly it's a lot of gibbersih with a word here and there that makes sense. Hahaha.

Eric C. Johnson

I don't dislike Xander that much, but what you said reminds me exactly of what Orson Welles said about Woody Allen: "He is arrogant. Like all people with timid personalities, his arrogance is ­unlimited. Anybody who speaks quietly and shrivels up in company is unbelievably ­arrogant. He acts shy, but he’s not. He’s scared. He hates himself, and he loves himself, a very tense situation. It’s people like me who have to carry on and pretend to be modest. To me, it’s the most embarrassing thing in the world—a man who presents himself at his worst to get laughs, in order to free himself from his hang-ups. Everything he does on the screen is therapeutic."

Mariella Nilsson

Ja, man hör något ord här och där som låter svenskt, men språkmelodin låter som en blandning mellan svenska och norska!

Michael Matthews

I agree ,the way he left Anya at alter didn’t even discuss it with her just humiliated her in front of everybody, but he improved his character this season