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Novice counsellor Buffy begins trying to help the students at Sunnydale High, including Cassie Newton, a girl who predicts her own death. Unfortunately, a Slayer is no match for fate.

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She is psychic or is she not . Maybe she can see the future . 🤔 good episode.


This is an interesting episode. It has a certain level of emotional resonance, especially the way Dawn befriends Cassie. There is maybe a little something I feel is missing, and it just occurred to me, I think if it were more of a Dawn-centric episode, it might have hit out of the park even more. Buffy talking to Cassie makes sense, especially as a way of introducing us to Counselor Buffy, but now that I think about it, I think I might have liked it even more if Dawn overhears Cassie's expectation to die and tries to help her. She doesn't turn to Buffy for one reason or another - maybe because Cassie asks her not to, because she doesn't want the school or her parents to think she's suicidal or something; so Dawn does a lot the legwork on her own to find out what's going to happen to Cassie. Eventually she realizes she needs help and has turns to Buffy; which itself could have been a good intro to Buffy in her new job, and even showing that she's actually good at it, by being the person Dawn or Cassie can talk to without judgement; while underscoring the difficult position Dawn was put in, to decide whether to keep a friend's confidence or seek help for that person's safety. But that's a minor thought experiment and would have gotten to the same outcome. This episode overall ranks higher for me than most of season 6, though maybe not as strong as the previous episode. "Same Time, Same Place" felt more like the show was back to its roots. This one has some of that feel too, especially the very end, but at the very least it was more of a slow burn. Others have also wondered about the similarities between the high school boys to the frat in "Reptile Boy". I don't think it's the same demon, because it appears to be completely different, but that might have been an interesting callback.

Katie Kat

One of my favorite episodes from this season they did an amazing job developing a character we never met before and making us care for her in just an hour.


someday the show will tell you, Sofie 🤫

Wisdom of the Sphynx

“The Cassandra Syndrome is a term applied to predictions of doom about the future that are not believed, but upon later reflection turn out to be correct. This denotes a psychological tendency among people to disbelieve inescapably bad news, often through denial. The person making the prediction is caught in the dilemma of knowing what is going to happen but not being able to resolve the problem.”

angelcakes (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-31 08:27:17 did you notice when Cassie catches Buffy and Xander after they visit her father, her speech about all the things she wants to do and how she really doesn't want to die, is a great callback to Buffy's own high-school days and the famous Prophecy girl scene ? Buffy is very purposefully shot in this scene and has tears in her eyes bc it reminds her of herself
2022-12-06 02:10:59 did you notice when Cassie catches Buffy and Xander after they visit her father, her speech about all the things she wants to do and how she really doesn't want to die, is a great callback to Buffy's own high-school days and the famous Prophecy girl scene ? Buffy is very purposefully shot in this scene and has tears in her eyes bc it reminds her of herself

did you notice when Cassie catches Buffy and Xander after they visit her father, her speech about all the things she wants to do and how she really doesn't want to die, is a great callback to Buffy's own high-school days and the famous Prophecy girl scene ? Buffy is very purposefully shot in this scene and has tears in her eyes bc it reminds her of herself


I was kinda thinking instead about her speech to Down in Season 6 Finale. How she wants to live, see her friends happy, show the world to Down and watch her grow up...


While Season 7 is not my favorite season, this episode is absolutely heartbreaking. It took the subject matter seriously, and all of the characters really felt like real people. It reminded me of The Body, in the sense that they are all forced to deal with "real" issues versus the supernatural ones.