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Barristan in the books was appointed to the Kingsguard by Aegon the Fifth and then served his son, Jaehaerys the Second, and then he served Jaehaerys' son, Aerys the Second. However in the show, Aegon 5's kids got skipped and Aegon became Aerys' dad but Aegon was Aerys' granddad in the books. Aerys also didn't go mad due to incest (Targs being mad is a myth, there's like 5 or so truly crazy ones out of over a hundred Targaryens) Aerys went nuts because he got kidnapped for like a year by the Lord of Duskendale and Aerys grew so paranoid about potentially being kidnapped again that he went nuts. I think he just had really bad paranoia and PTSD. Fun fact, Aegon 5's youngest child in the books was a girl named Rhaelle and she married a Baratheon and became Robert's grandma. Yes this means Robert "I'll kill every Targaryen" Baratheon has Targaryen ancestry.