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Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/97wd83a6jukr7qn/GOT%203x01%201.mp4?dl=0



Tommy Smith

Tywin hates Tyrion because he "killed" his beloved wife (she is the only person Tywin ever truly loved) and because Tyrion reminds him of his own father, who was a weak and pathetic man that people mocked openly. Tywin's father made the lannisters a joke and Tywin had to undo that reputation, so he is very pride obsessed and won't let anything tarnish his family's reputation.

Tommy Smith

Also Tywin deep down probably knows about the incest but is in complete denial.


Don't let yourself get upset with Stannis in the show. The showrunners and the actor who played him didn't appreciate the character so they shit on him every chance they get. Like in this episode they make it seem like he is really buying into the Red Woman's BS but in the books his atheism is one of his defining character traits and he only uses her for her magic, and while he does let her burn prisoners they were only people that he was planning on executing anyway for other reasons.


Theory has it, that when Tyrion was conceived, it was the Mad King who took Tywin's bride to bed. This is something that Tywin suspects but can not prove, nor can the reader prove or dismiss this claim.


“Theory”, I’d say wild speculation by almost none of the fan base, and none of the characters.


Yeah the more substantiated and thematically appropriate and ironic theory is that Jaime and Cersei are actually his bastard children. World of Ice and Fire reveals that Tywin and Aryes first fell out after Aryes 'took liberties' with his wife at Tywins wedding, around the approx time before the twins were born. And the fact that Tywin has such resentment to Tyrion, Tyrion actually being his only trueborn child and the most like him really wouldbe a bitter irony, as well as Jaime and Cersei being incestuous like Targaryens, having a lunatic son, and the potential for Jaime to have been a kinslayer as well as kingslayer and murdering his father. Not that this is in any way confirmed but makes a lot more sense evidence and storytelling wise.


Yes, this does seem plausible and more likely. Hadn't really thought about it much after hearing it in one of Green Hands' video on YouTube.