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Jermey who⁉️ Enzo came and changed the game 🤣



Since my throat was hurting and I didn't talk much. Here's my thoughts:

I love how they just feel like they're meant for each other. After all the pain and the sacrifices Bonnie deserves someone loyal to her that will put her first no matter what and Enzo is that type of guy. And for Enzo after all the heartbreak of feeling abandoned not having someone to fight for him and to care about him. His longing for a family and someone to call home. He finally found that in Bonnie.

He looked so adorable and sweet trying to keep it together and be supportive while at the same time feeling so vulnerable and helpless because he's not used care for someone that actually loves and cares about him in return.

Damon 😭 He's trying. He used to be so close to her now she's close to Enzo and he's feeling....let's say bitter 😂.

For Alaric......I just hate the drama between him, Stefan and Caroline...... I hate it. It just feels so forced specially that he's literally forcing her into this dysfunctional relationship using the kids as an excuse. I know that it's Caroline's choice to do that for the girls but this is just not OKKK. Also when did Alaric's character change so much. I feel like he's unrecognizable lately.

Anyway I hope you Enjoy.




Bonenzo is my favorite ship in the entire tvd universe. Bonnie finally found someone that puts her first.

Jasmine Reigns

Benzo owns my heart ❤️ the chemistry between Kat & Michael is soooo strong it’s crazy 🥺 I love them so much


Can't wait for episode 21


Season 7: And i'm FREEE...FREEFALLING!!! LMAO LOL The Benzo stuff is fine, but the rest of the drama and the plot intrigue is just tragic and disorganized


Enzo an Bonnie are adorable, Jeremy was her teenager love, Enzo is her grown up love, very much like Stefan and Elena and Damon and Elena or Stefan and Caroline. Now we have to understand that Alaric poor thing, ha his love life destroyed by supernatural creatures, so now that he is a father he is trying to have a normal life, and grab every piece of happiness he can get, even if it's fake and I understand that, after all Caroline was the one that didn't wanted to go in hide, running with Stefan. But Stefan too deserve to be happy and now that he has no more the scar, I don't blame him at all to try to pick up things where he left them with Caroline. I don't understand why everybody blame Damon for what happen, he is the usual "let's blame Damon game" that everybody like to play to avoid to admit for their mistakes or short comings. He didn't ask for Stefan to put himself in front of Rayne sword, he was coming to the hospital to help and keep her busy while Caroline was giving birth, he desecrate for Bonnie sake, to avoid she would get hurt for him. And Damon being Damon never protest his innocence always let everybody treat him badly, when he is always the one that figure out how to clean others mess and sort them out without hesitation, always doing whatever it takes. Bonnie, from her point of view, has a reason to be pissed with him, others no. Anyway, I adore season seven, it is very mature, very cleverly written. Starting from the three years after and with the half season reaching the three years mark. Then once we are at the three years mark, the use the rest of the season, to comes back to the past three years back, to fill the missing gaps that needs to be reveal at the right time so that we can fully appreciate, certain part of the story, like Enzo and Bonnie. Genial. I am so impressed with the writing of this show and on how they can create with the story writing a true emotional connections with the audience, that works very well and is very believable, like the Enzo and Bonnie story. It took them one episode, this one to make us believe in them as a couple and love them together.


Very few people perceive Alaric and Caroline as a couple...


Was a very weird route TVD took with them huh?😂


This is a copy of Victor comment that was eaten by Patreon, I just copy and pasted it here. "I agree, they shouldn’t be blaming Damon for all the current problems, he was desiccated for 3 years and the fact that they blame it because their feelings where hurt is quite childish and very immature, I do disagree on you saying only Bonnie has a reasoning to be mad at Damon, Stefan has the same right as Bonnie and think it’s slightly hypocritical that she gets a pass and not Stefan, Bonnie is mad at Damon because he didn’t have the decency to say goodbye in person, and instead wrote a letter on top of that she saw him in a way abandoning her and their friendship after all they had been through together as she was never going to see him again if he was to be awaken when elena was to wake up. Stefan had the same reasonings, Damon didn’t plan on telling Stefan he was going to desiccate himself and already had 2 letters written for Stefan that he gave him. Damon only told him when he was confronted by Stefan on a new plan to help him get rid of the scar rayna gave him, that’s when Damon had to come clean and tell Stefan he was going to desiccate himself. As well as because Stefan gave up his happiness with Caroline to save his brother from the Phoenix sword so Stefan at the time saw the same abandonment Bonnie saw as In Stefan’s eyes he was leaving Stefan to fend for himself vs rayna even though that wasn’t the case. Which also makes the claim you made of “He never ask for Stefan to jump in front of raynas sword” very unfair, as with that knowledge you can make the same argument of Bonnie never asking Damon to desiccate himself for her, yet you praised Damon’s decision making there but questioned Stefan’s when he jumped in front of raynas sword when the same motives where fueling those decisions from both Damon and Stefan. Not to mention Damon was also the reasoning for Stefan being stuck in the Phoenix stone the 2nd time. I understand you said before it was Valerie’s selfishness of not telling the transfer spell earlier which could’ve avoid everything that came to be and I will give you that one but that Doesn’t change the fact that Damon decided to go rogue with original plan Valerie and Stefan already had to transfer the mark and due to Damon’s refusal to follow original plan that woulda worked resulted in rayna catching Stefan and put the sword through him, as we know if stefan hadn’t had the mark when she found him she wouldn’t have stabbed him because she grew to see the good person Stefan was during those 3 years of running and had no urge to stab him without a mark Hope this doesn’t come off as mean as it was intended to be 🙏"

Zeph 802

So disorganized!! That's my main problem with this season, way too all over the place. Especially in the second half, the armory/rayna storyline is such a bore to me. Bonenzo was the only saving grace