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From the desk of Doomington;

I hope you all had a fun and/or relaxing New Years. It is always an odd mix of refreshing and a bit daunting to start a new year.; you reflect on how your previous year went and what you want from the new one...

Let me start off by saying thanks to all of you for your support. You keep the lights on, and allow me o continue making art. None of this would be possible if not for all the wonderful support and backing I have received up to this point.

I know I am not perfect, and I will continue to try bettering myself, and with the help of my friends and family I think I will do better than I have to this point. On that note, major thanks for my friends and family for being there for me - from just chatting and hanging out, to helping me with my problems or just offering a kind word and a shoulder to cry on.

2023 was a weird year; lots of bad, but a decent amount of good too. I made huge leaps in progress on my backlog (which has plagued me for far too long, and I am aware of the crazy levels of patience and kindness shown to me by the folks still waiting.) I have improved in my skills - or at least I like to think I have. Finally I got a new Android tablet that lets me draw when not at my desk working, which has given me the ability to not only do more fun fun and relaxing pics - but it has proven useful for getting work done too! (And yes, I had to have someone point this out to me, lol.)

For 2024 I have a few goals I want to shoot for, including;

  • Finishing the backlog. - This includes Doom Credits, unfinished/owed art, and the monthlies (which you saw previously I have begun work on again... I got two more in progress that will go up as soon as I finish them.)
  • Comics - Last year I started doing more strips and single page comics, as I have always intended to tell stories beyond my usual single images with far too many word balloons. This year I hope to crank out proper multi-page stories. Particularly...
  • Otherlands - You've met Monica and Octavia, but would you believe they are only a part of the cast of characters for this world I have been building in the background for a while now? I'd like to introduce you to more of the gang as the year goes on, as well as develop the ones I have more with QnA pics, pinups and comics. Now all I need is a little Energon and a lot of luck.

Now, if you made it this far, you've gotten to the audience participation portion of the show! I don't intend any major earth shaking changes in the days to come, though I can't promise I won't make some shake ups as we get further into the year... However, I do want to try and offer a bit more bang for your bucks. Once I finish the remaining Monthly pics off, I would like to offer some audience interactivity again. Maybe not monthly polls again, but something...

So if you have any ideas you want me to consider for possible future polls or other ways to get you guys involved in your reward making let me know in the comments!

If you read all of that, thank you. I hope I continue to entertain and be someone you find worth your patronage. If you didn't read all of that, but skipped here to see my final thoughts... You are a dirty cheater and will not have seen the hidden clues to the location of the Necromancer's Crown.

Let's all have a great 2024!



So is The Doomington on the 20 or the 50? is Ruby on the 2 doomdollar bill?