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Okay, just a quick update - they are coming! I got sick for a night and overestimated myself (or underestimated the workload) so I ended up putting a small pile of catch up back on the burner after spending so long clearing the slate...

But we are almost go again, and I am working on being better about not screwing up again.

In fact, the next one is almost done! Here's a sample...

This one would have been in your hands a little while ago, except as I got to where you see here, it was pointed out to me that I completely borked some major parts of the image. Nothing small like a wonky finger or such, but a big bad "how did I miss that?" error that required redrawing parts.

Then, well - see the opening paragraph.

I have a list of what I owe you fine folks, and there will be new polls each month so you will get what's coming to you.


Oh yes...


You'll all get what's coming to you.


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