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So lets see...

- I think we can all agree the experiment I tried last sketch stream worked out pretty well. I am gonna try it again this weekend. (It might just become the new norm...)

- Sponsor streams! I am glad folks are digging these. I feel a little bad that not everyone can get a pic, but the drawing is completely random. Still, I think you all can appreciate that it is a fun night and some neat art is made. As long as folks keep wanting to do these, I will do them.

- Sketch Stream Pics? Yeah, there are two sets that I haven't posted yet. They are both almost done, and will be up as soon as I have a chance to finish them up. I ended up doing the newest set first, cause I wanted to complete that test by finishing the colors. Sorry for the wait!

- Monthly Pics? I have one that is a good night's work away from done, as you can see by the image at the head of this post. I also have one other one roughed out, and intend to get a couple more roughed out. I am sorry I am behind on these, but I hope to take out a full weekend (fri-mon) to get at least a couple knocked out soon.

- Prime Line? I am still working on this, just not as much as I would like... I cut a couple versions off the list due to redundancies, and have drawn a couple more. I am gonna hold off on posting more until I get some more done. Still, I hope some of you are looking forward to this.

As always, thanks to all of you for your continued Patronage. It is a huge help every month, and I appreciate all of you for sticking with me. (It is also a nice feeling to know you dig the goofy shit I draw enough to hang out.)

Sorry I don't post as often as I would like, but hopefully I will have more for you soon!



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