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I was really hesitant to post this one, but damn it - you guys pay good money and I wanna be able to toss whatever art I have at you. (Hopefully some of you like this...)

This was one of those "wild hair" drawings, where I did a bunch of kinks I don't tend to explore together. In this case it was a revisit of the whole 'man turned into slutty birdo' idea, but with extras thrown in.

This guy is not only a slutty Birdo, but has giant bimbo lips, extensive weight gain, huge balls, extra foreskin, a thick yet short cock, sweat/musk, and mental regression...

Quite a parade of kinks there... Sorry if this is not your thing, I get it not being for everyone... (Not being for most folks I imagine...) Still, I had the idea talking to a friend a while back, and I rolled with it.



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