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Just a reminder for anyone that forgot or was not aware, but this Sat-Mon will be the next sketch stream for you $10+ backers.

If you can't make it, or are unsure if you can, be sure to send me your keywords in advance. (Either send them to me via message or comment on this post.)


And a general update since you guys have been damn patient with my monkey ass; last month's sketches will be up in the next couple days. I will also be posting some of the monthly pics I owe soon, as well as roughs for more of them.

I'll be posting the poll for this month's pic in a sec, so if you are a $5+ backer be sure to vote on that.

I am thinking I might take a week out of September to just catch up on the monthly pics. (September will be a general make up month for me as of current plans.)


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