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Ha, get it, cause "Brad" is like "Bad", which is normally the saying, but I added an "r" so it is silly... Heh... Heh.



Well, the bad news is, Rain isn't done yet. I had really hoped to finish inking and color her tonight, but after the make up stream ended I did some cleaning to make prep for my new mattress, as well as cut my hair cause it had hit that point where...

Okay, so I have naturally curly hair, (Insert Frieda from Peanuts reference here.) so much so that when it grows, it doesn't so much grow long like some folks - there went my dreams of having long sexy hair like Blackthorn* - it grows outwards into what can only be described as a half-assed "jew fro". This gets worse the longer I let it go, because after a while ol' man gravity gets tired of it defying his will and it hits critical mass and collapses down on me, thus strangling at me.

So yeah, enough was enough and it was time to cut it. It looks okay now, not amazing, as I am not a trained barber. I was also only working with one mirror...

But I digress.

Once all that was done I returned to work on furthering Rain's inks, and just felt blegh. The kind of tired blegh that makes it hard to function like a human in any capacity. 

So that is the bad news. Good news is I did work on other things!

Rather than throw the entire night away, I started roughing out the newer poll pics. I am really eager to get Android 21 done (she will have two alts!) and though I need to work out the kinks of her design, the Daikaiju Shy Nerd with an internal sex freak (you guys voted for those results, don't blame me!) is coming along nicely for overall pose and scene.

I also doodled up a for fun pic I wanted to do. (Which felt nice. Drawing for myself after so long of not being able to.)

Lemme know if you guys wanna see the roughs for the two pics, and I will post them up - it might help me to get ideas for the Daikaiju gal... I don't wanna go straight up Femme-Godzilla (already did those and it feels cheap to reuse those designs for this), but it is hard to think of a fun semi-generic design for a monster gal that is still meant to be sexy.

So yeah - lemme know what you think in the comments.


* Yes, the SNES game from Blizzard.



I'd love to see those roughs!


Hmm... King Ghidorah-esque with more monster-y heads instead of hands on the end of the femmekaiju's arms? Multiheaded gals whose extra heads are being naughty and misbehaving pops up in my writing from time to time and I quite enjoy it when it does.

mardock 2501

I'd like to see the roughs.