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So, I was thinking about next month, as well as my own cravings to scratch some of the weirder itches I have (Well not weird, so much as less common I guess?) and I wanted to ask you guys what you think about me theming months around some of my personal kinks?

Like if I did "Fat February" or something like that where you got to pick from the characters I was gonna draw all chubby and horned up...

Vote on the options below, and by all means share your thoughts in the comments. (And be honest with your votes, don't try to be nice. I mean, don't be a jerk, lol - but you know what I mean. If you don't like the idea - say that. Please, I am not asking these questions to stroke my own ego.)



It's difficult to answer correctly without knowing which particular kinks you had in mind. If they lined up with my own then I'd be all for it, but if they do not then I'd vote against it.

TF Commando

Voted other. It is an interesting idea and I love the idea of a themed month, but its hard to commit without knowing which kinks, and how broad or narrow you had in mind for the subject matter. Perhaps make up a list of your top 5-10 kinks you'd like to draw for a theme month and let people vote on that, instead of particular characters?

Oh egads

I do like me some chubs. Go right ahead.


I'd say give us a choice as to which kink you're going to do (we could vote between two or three, thus giving us the illusion of choice but ultimately staying in your wheelhouse), but otherwise a theme sounds awesome.