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I will be taking off the month of September. Mostly for my health as over the years doing fetish art has gotten harder and my inability to assert myself left me doing things I really hated because I was afraid of the backlash and drop in income for doing so.

I will be changing the rules of what I allow.  I will no longer allow hyper (reference at bottom for max). I know this will effect a lot of people but I cannot push myself to do it anymore. This includes stuffing or WG that fits in that visual realm. Also no burping or farting.

I am telling you now so that you can leave before September and not be charged if you no longer wish to be here.

This is first and foremost a patreon for my comic and not for me to continue stressing myself out with unrelated commissions every month. I've felt like my comic work has gotten worse and that's what I most love to do. My webcomic will continue in September, of course, and there are some pages in the Dress Up comic left to finish.

So if you want to stay on the $3 tier and support me and whatever comic stuff we get up to I appreciate all of you. 


Sam Mann

I'm not going anywhere, and personally am glad to hear the hyper-preg stuff is going. You need to take care of yourself first and I hope september proves restful for you


I support several artist, and I do my best to tailor my requests to what the artist LIKES doing. Take the time you need, and don't do the things that make you unhappy. Best wishes!


I feel this was a long time coming, too many times i've seen your art posts every morning only to groan at yet another immobile pregnancy image, Its a mental checkout every time, even for you.


Whatever works for you! So if we don’t change our pledge then the money for September just kinda works as a “tip” of sorts


I full on support your decision and will continue backing you


Look after your self first and foremost

Cj Krypts

So I am to assume the picture there is the max you are willing to do? If so, then that is acceptable. To be honest, I am kinda glad you put a limit on it. Anyways! Enjoy the vacation!


Curious to know if you'll do any more Samson/Ella comics here or if you're pausing on that since you started doing the non-fetish comic? (Which is fantastic and I'm loving, btw.)


I'm glad you're setting boundaries for your own health. Your health and comfort is very important to the community and it's important that you're doing what you love.


I just did that because Lyze didn't have one planned yet. I don't have plans to do one but I don't have plans not to...? They just kinda come as we fee like.