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Thank You for your support! We've reached the goal of 500$ which helps a ton. Without Your help I wouldnt be able to use renderfarms to render animations faster and without problem or be able to buy parts for my PC when they died year ago and so on!

My work tends to be really varied, from normal humans to all kinds of werewolfs or bunnies and as much as I like doing everything and sometimes prefer one to another... 

I'm curious what You, as viewer/supporter of my works, enjoy seeing made specifically by me? 

This poll is purely informative - it won't impact how/what art I'm doing at this moment, since right now I'm keeping on doing variety of content: human x human / beasty / furry / werewolf; and else but I will keep results in mind for future. If you have little bit of time, I'd appreciate your vote.


Rekin3D - Art preferences


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