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I came back to my old idea that I wanted to do, that is simple porn game.

Right now its in very early stages and Im testing everything out and setting it up, the idea is its going to be more or less managment type of game though the focus is going to be mostly on lots of scenes rather than making it full blown out game. 

Its managment of Overwatch organization and it making money by certain "services" of its heroes. 

Not really keeping to lore and realism, will have werewolfes/beasty but also a lot of just human scenes.

You can check out very early version here! (Needs Flash enabled)

Everything is in work in progress and in early development

Right now you can check 2 WIP scenes:

- Scene with werewolf after going to training 

- Human BJ after going to job

most of the animations arent rendered right now (for example the werewolf one) because there is a lot of them so I will have to render them on renderfarm when Im done with each one of them. So for now they are in simple "viewport" render without any lighting and detail.

Working on mechanics and overall "game" part of it right now, but Im really looking forward to making it! 

This wont stop from uploading normal animations, so no worries about that too! Let me know what you think.


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