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Arechan made a new quick video of the pokèmon cards we are making for you!
You can get 4 stickers and 1 card each month of T4 patronage!

** UPDATE for TIER 4
I decided to change how I collect orders for T4:
- I will collect orders 2 times per month
- first batch between day 1 to day 15
- second batch between day 15 to 30
In this way I can ship them the same days I ship the artbooks so I can speed up the shipping process.
I suggest you to join when you already know which goodies you want.
Consider it like a store where you buy what you desire (so, don't ask if I will make "that specific piece you like" because maybe it is not a printable sticker, we have to consider size and various details).
if you have any question, I'm here!

I updated the Ryuko pack for pack 82 rewards since I noticed it missed some contents, like the senketsu version!
You can access the download folder by patreon messages, the link is still on!


Our PKM cards

New cards are now available trhough my Tier 4 on Patreon! Check it out: https://www.patreon.com/redjet


Adam Valencia

Okay, I just love the pokemon ones, and now you have convinced me to update my tier.