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Hey everyone, Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas, been fairly quiet about things that have been going on but I'm here now to lay out what things are going to change and how I am doing.

Over these past 2 months, I have been taking therapy sessions to get to the route of some issues I've been having with my work, it was very eye-opening and genuinely helped me a lot with figuring out what I want to do moving forward


My problem with my work was a constant lack of motivation because despite it going well, in terms of money I wasn't doing much to better myself so after talking it through with a professional and with my family, I reached the conclusion of going back to school and finally fulfill my dream of studying art and design, for the longest time I thought that was out of reach due to the price and simply lacking the confidence to pursue it under the excuse of  - "I'm not good enough to be good at it" - but now, thanks to all you wonderful people who have supported my work through my struggles it is possible to try and make it work.

Sadly, this comes at a cost, going back to school means an indefinite hiatus to my Patreon, it is simply not practical or logical to try and maintain the heavy workload of Patreon alongside my School work and projects, I have thought of reducing the slots numbers to be as much work but I couldn't really bring myself to ask people who want work from me and to support me to give up their slots for my own convenience.


January will be my last work month to save up more money for when I go back to school most likely early this coming year, moving forward, I will be working through commissions, this I would imagine comes as a bummer to most, although some may prefer it to be via commissions as that's how my work was like before setting up this Patreon. For those concerned as to the status of the comics and the sketch dump, I am saddened to inform you that only 1 comic will be coming out at the start of January along with the very delayed Sketch Dump.

It was a hard time coming to this decision as I really wanted to make it work, but every time I try and think of a way to make it work, everything just gets so twisted in my mind with wanting to have it work, so this was the best I could come up with.


I want to finish off by thanking all of you, I tend to be a very quiet and reserved person when it comes to sharing things publicly online (Outside of my fetish work) but I sincerely mean that doing this Patreon thing for a year and a half now has been so much fun and it pretty much fulfilled my dream of doing art full time for a short while despite the troubles I'm having with making it all work.

I am truly grateful and greatly appreciate all the support each of you has given me when it comes to making it possible to work like this and also giving me the appropriate amount of time needed to heal and figure out what it is I want for myself moving forward.



Thanks for all the great art and best of luck to you Dez! Never doubt on improving on yourself. Your fans will stand beside you on anything that makes you happy. See ya Dez! Take good care of yourself!


Thanks for the art. Wish you good fortune for your future endeavors Dez.


kinda sad to not hear from ya for a while but i wish you the best with your school life and any future projects!


We love you Dezzy, I hope you make it big! Your art is great and has a unique style that I adore. Good luck and I can't wait to comm you in the future.


We're gonna be here for you Dez UwU