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Hey guys! My apologies for the lack of updates, but I like to do these ones with chunks of content rather than small tiny updates.

1. As you can see, we're in the Lineart/Cleanup stage now. I'm already done with the intro sfw parts, just started working on the lewd scenes!

2. Lineart takes awhile to finish (even coloring too for sure), I'm trying to pay more attention to how I do cleanup so the quality will be better but this takes so much time compared to when I was doing the rough animation. Please be patient.

3. NO RELEASE DATE/ ESTIMATED RELEASE DATE. I don't want to overhype people with a false promise. I would appreciate it if you could stop asking me about this from now on :)

4. There's not much other content I'm gonna do because I want to keep focusing on this thingy only. I can only give a proper estimate date when I'm sure that the project is nearing its end.

5. I'd like to thank you all again and again for the constant support and love, this means so much to me and I can guarantee that I'll get this done.

That's all, thank you! :D

(and yes I'm aware of the blank frames in that gif, got that fixed already.)




I’ll wait however long. Your work is worth it ^^


Thanks for the Hardwork Derpi!

Kurayami Vel

its looking great. but of course it does its you after all.


This already looks stellar. When this finishes it's gonna be a national treasure.


This looks good! Sometimes the rough style is what draws me to your art anyway, but you won't hear me complaining about this, you're doing great.


Take your time. It's a big project and your work is well worth the wait. Have fun with it. Will be looking forward to seeing it finished




Awaiting paitently! I'd rather you take your time and produce something amazing than rush through it and be half baked! Take your time Derpi! :D


Take your time Derpi! I'd rather have a well produced and thought out project than something half baked, we await you patiently :D